Sunday 6 November 2016

We don't always have to look for a problem.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been looking at literature and reading articles to look and delve deeper into my potential line of inquiry ( Something along the lines of dance and child development/dance in education)

From doing this and reading articles etc, it has sent my brain and thoughts into over drive!! has anyone else found that this has happened?. All that I have been reading and researching is so so interesting but has just "upset the apple cart" in terms of thinking that I knew exactly what direction I was going in.

So it was time to have a chat with Paula as I really did not know where to go or what to do! (yes I know this sounds very dramatic, but this course takes you on some kind of roller coaster in terms of where your thoughts go does anyone else agree?)

After ranting to Paula about what I had been looking at and reading and thinking about where to go. Paula asked me to think; "What in your practice are you already good at?" Now this question did throw me a little and it did take me a couple of minutes to actually take in what she had said to me.
Now my response was teaching the younger students as I am quite good at setting the scene and making things magical and a creative fun environment so that they have a positive experience in the dance class.

We then went on to discuss various other aspects about how important it is for children to have a positive experience in dance and exercise as this can have such an effect on people later on in life. I have also now feel a little more "anchored" as Paula put as to where I am going as I have narrowed down my literature to look for things more specific e.g. narrowed down my age bracket to Early years and Ks1 and looking into dance movement and play, creativity and imagination/magical world.

As Paula said to me earlier today, we don't always have to look for a problem with our practice or something that is indeed missing, but we can look at how to improve and work on what we are already good at and why it is working. Be careful - to not look at things that we already know or  try to prove something, which I feel is a trap I could have potentially found myself getting into.

I would love to hear if anyone else has decided to take this route and look at something that you are already doing well and how it is working for you and maybe looking into why this is working.

Any thoughts or opinions much appreciated.


  1. there are some other good conversations going on with questions that relate to success - this was perhaps a different way to approach that idea but in a way that was smaller in scope - remember the appreciative inquiry (e.g. Cooperider and Whitney we did at the last campus session. So in your work your are looking for solutions rather than the 'problem-solving' approach of some research - this is problem-centred (Leavy). The idea of working with younger students helps now to focus your inquiry questions - and that magical space for creative thinking and learning. So what do you want to find out about this area of practice?

  2. Hi Laura, I am also looking into the topic of child development through dance/movement and would love to Skype/ Facebook chat sometime if you are around? Let me know!

  3. Hi Skye! - Yes lets please do as I have found it really helpful to speak with others. I will be around tomorrow evening. This is the link to my facebook page please feel free to add me and we can get chatting. Looking forward to speaking to you.

